Wednesday, March 11, 2009



I guess I should start off by warning you that this blog is NSFW. Nor will it be. Ever.

Nope, there will be loads and loads of glorious pixel nudity, hot pixel-on-pixel action, and frank discussions about things like pixel dinks and pixel kitties. Wheeee!

Let's face it, some of us on SL are binary bonin'. Poking our ones into zeroes every chance we get. Why? Who knows. For some, SLex is an appetizer. For some, it's the main course. For some it's a taboo-smashing exotic side dish. Whatever you think of it, or the people that do it, it's out there, and it, like fashion in SL, can sometimes be full of shit.

There are a lot of pitfalls for those would-be & already-notorious erotic roleplayers out there. Things like ugly "freenises" and spazzy animations and other hideously overpriced garbage. SLex and its attendant accessories are counting on your curiosity and horniness to make a fast buck and leave you wondering "Is that all there is?"

And no, it isn't. With that magic combination of chemistry, imaginative roleplay & cool accessories (but mainly imaginative RP & chemistry ), SLex can be pretty fuckin' hot.

So here's one girl's experience of the finer things to be found under Second Life's sticky underbelly. Places to see, people to do, goodies to be had. Hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say that I actually read your blog, twice, back to back. No because of the content, but because of your writing style. I've 'always' been a big fan.
